Friday, September 14, 2007

Gone-zales Redux

This was so under the radar that I didn't even realize until now that today was Alberto Gonzales' last day as attorney general. To commemorate the occasion, check out the devastating compilation on Talking Points Memo of the Top 10 Moments of Alberto Gonzales Ridiculousness. It is such a pathetic display (rather like watching a wounded animal gnaw its own limb off in slow motion) I was barely able to stomach it.

Anyone want to place bets on a possible AG replacement? Chertoff? Poindexter? Ted Olsen? Can't imagine which of those three would be scarier, yet in the bizarro world we are living in, these are real possibilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ted Olson facilitated Bush's election theft in 2000, then laid the foundation for the 911 hijacker story by claiming to get a call from his wife on flight 77, and this is how the 'muslims with boxcutters' fable really gained some traction. Attorney General would be a good reward for his loyalty to the Neo-cons.